74 Glen Road, Kelburn, Wellington City

Indonesian Embassy Wellington

The Quaker Handbook tells us "in 1907 London Yearly Meeting’s Australasian Committee, concerned that something should be done for the children of Friends in New Zealand, sent Sarah Jane Lury and Elizabeth Rutter to the Dominion, where they founded a hostel in Kelburn, Wellington where children of Friends could live while attending secondary school. As few secondary children required accommodation, the hostel was used for students from the teachers’ training college and the university: and later for dental nurse trainees. Although it was a financial success, Friends sold it to the Government in 1945." The Georgian building was designed by architect William Gray Young in 1914. After the Quakers sold it it served as a hostel for dental nurses before it was acquired by the Indonesian Embassy. The Indonesians enclosed the central courtyard and added the entrance porch.



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